Villa Jarandalus


House for 6 people in El Gastor with great detail so that guests feel at home, relaxation in its maximum splendor, silence.


Villa Jarandalus is a house with a lot of charm as it has impressive views and a natural environment in the Sierra de Cádiz, equipped with all the details so that guests feel at home, it is composed of 2 bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other with 4 beds, 1 bathroom with shower, full kitchen with dishwasher and living room with indoor fireplace plus another living room on the outside but covered porch.
The exteriors are very comfortable and comfortable, it has a pool with salt water and a stream with four waterfalls, so that relaxation and disconnection are even deeper.
Several terraces to contemplate the best sunsets in the entire mountain range and parking within the property, which gives you the tranquility of a private stay.


Nearest airport Málaga 130 km
Nearest golf course Marbella 80 km
Nearest medical center Ronda 32 km
Nearest subway station Málaga 130 km
Nearest train station Ronda 30 km
Nearest pharmacy Farmacia El Gastor 1.9 km
Nearest river or lake Pantano Zahara-El Gastor 2 km
Nearest beach San Pedro Alcantara 80 km
Nearest Village El Gastor 1.9 km
Nearest ferry boat Algeciras 122 km
Nearest restaurant Bar Mesón Los Cuñaos 1.9 km
Nearest supermarket El Gastor 1.9 km

Places to See

In the El Gastor area and its surroundings, there are a variety of activities and places of interest to visit and enjoy:
Zahara-El Gastor Reservoir: This reservoir offers opportunities for swimming, kayaking, fishing, and simply relaxing by the water.
Hiking routes: Explore the trails of the Sierra de Grazalema and discover impressive landscapes. The El Gastor to Zahara de la Sierra Trail is a popular option.
Cueva del Hundidero: Located a few kilometers from El Gastor, it is an impressive cave for lovers of caving and nature.
Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation: Visit this parish church with traditional Andalusian architecture and a stunning panoramic view.
Viewpoints: Enjoy the panoramic views from several viewpoints in the area, such as Mirador de la Peña and Mirador de las Grajas.
Local cuisine:Try delicious Andalusian food at local restaurants, such as gazpacho, salmorejo, fresh fish dishes and tapas.
Local festivals: If you visit at the right time, you can participate in local festivities, such as Holy Week or the El Gastor Fair.
Visit nearby towns: Explore other white towns in the Sierra de Grazalema, such as Zahara de la Sierra and Grazalema.
Bird watching: The region is a paradise for bird watchers, with unique species in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park.
Adventure sports: If you like excitement, you can try activities such as paragliding, mountain biking and climbing in the area.
Local crafts: Discover local crafts, such as ceramics and leather products, which you can purchase as souvenirs.
Visit wineries: The region is known for its wine production and you can take winery tours to sample local wines.
Stargazing: The lack of light pollution makes the Sierra de Grazalema an ideal place for stargazing.

In short, enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of the area, ideal for disconnecting and resting.

Accommodation, facilities, utilities

5 Stars Country House


Bedroom(s): 2 ( 6 Sleeps )
Camas de 135cm: 1, Camas de 150cm: 1, Camas de 90cm: 2

Bathroom(s): 1
Shower: 1, Wash basin: 1


Holiday type

Birdwatching, Escapadas para 2, Escapadas urbanas, Spa Holidays, Mountain, Romantic holidays, Vistas Panoramicas


Cerca de rio, Con Vistas, Mountain, Route of the white villages, Serranía de Ronda, Sierra de Cádiz, Sierra de Grazalema

General facilities


Indoor facilities

Cafetera italiana, Cocina Gas, Mantas, Sabanas de algodón, Toallas baño, Toallas lavabo, Doublepane windows

Outdoor facilities

Barbeque area, Deck, Lawn, Pond, Garden, Private pool, Porch, Terrace


Inclusive electricity, Inclusive gas, Cleaning inclusive, Linen provided, Towels provided


Local activities:

Cycling, Swimming, Parapente, Walking, Horse riding, Fishing, Trekking


- Nightly rate Weekly Monthly Min. Stay Change-over
Week Weekend
Rate summary $212.75 - $295.48 - - 2 Nights -
02-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2025 Tarifa Base $212.75 - - - 3 Nights -
01-Jun-2024 - 30-Jun-2024 Junio $265.93 - - - 7 Nights -
01-Jul-2024 - 31-Jul-2024 Julio $265.93 - - - 7 Nights -
01-Aug-2024 - 31-Aug-2024 Agosto $265.93 - - - 7 Nights -
01-Sep-2024 - 30-Sep-2024 Septiembre $265.93 - - - 7 Nights -
11-Oct-2024 - 12-Oct-2024 Puente del Pilar $236.39 - - - 2 Nights -
31-Oct-2024 - 02-Nov-2024 Puente de Todos los Santos $236.39 - - - 3 Nights -
05-Dec-2024 - 08-Dec-2024 Puente de la Constitucion $236.39 - - - 3 Nights -
23-Dec-2024 - 01-Jan-2025 Navidad y Nochevieja $265.93 - - - 3 Nights -


Check in: 16:00, Check out: 12:00

De conformidad con lo estipulado en el art. 8 del Decreto 28/2016, de 2 de febrero, de las viviendas con fines turísticos y de modificación del Decreto 194/2010, de 20 de abril, de establecimientos de apartamentos turísticos, de la Junta de Andalucía...
Si la reserva del alojamiento se cancelase con al menos 30 dias antes de la fecha de llegada, (60 dias en Julio o Agosto), se devuelve el 100% de la cantidad entregada en concepto de reserva menos los gastos de gestión (10€).
Si la cancelación se produce con 29 o menos días previos a la llegada a la casa, (59 dias en Julio o Agosto), la cantidad entregada en concepto de reserva no se devolverá y servirá como indemnización al propietario.

Terms and conditions

Nota: De igual manera, para que, tanto la cancelación como la devolución (si procede), sean completamente eficaces, será obligatorio enviar un email a reservas(arroba), con los datos de la persona a la que se le hizo la reserva: Nombre y Apellidos, teléfono y DNI, en el cuerpo del mensaje escribir el motivo de la anulación, sin este correo electrónico no se podrá reclamar nada, (entiéndase que esto se hace para no duplicar las reservas).No habrá devolución de ninguna cantidad entregada una vez acomodado/a en el alojamiento y estando en él se decidiese abandonarlo antes de la fecha de salida contratada sin motivo justificado o problema grave en el alojamiento.